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Our services provide innovative light solution,Lumi+Space=LumiSpace
³»¿ëÀÔ·Â : 2016/11/07  Lumi Coordinator
Customized LumiSheet
Order What LED Panel You Imagine

The Basic Characteristics of LumiSheet


LumiSheet is defined to be a LED lighting panel with the following characteristics.


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1) There is a dimming function. So, a user can control the intensity of light

2) The panel can be made in varoius shapes such as an apple, an bear, so on.

3) It doesn't release heat. So, it deosn't make a space installed with it hotter.

4) It isn't sensitive to the temperature. It works from -30  to 70 degrees C.

5) It is so slim as 8mm wide that it can be easily installed. 

6) The size of the panel can be made from 153mm*153mm to 2,000mm*1,000mm

7) It is so strong that it is more shock-resistant than a normal lighting panel.

8) It is so waterproof that it can be used as an outdoor lighting.

9) It is so energy-saving that its consumption of electrical power is just one tenth of that of an incandescent light.

10) It has a long lifespan of 10 years.

11) It doens't make any electromagneic waves.

12) It can make a variuous color of light.


Installation Case 1 - Interior


LumiSheet can be used for interior in many ways. It can make a space conspicuous or unique.


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Installation Case 2 - Architecture


LumiSheet can be used in beautiful structures.  


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Installation Case 3 - Display


LumiSheet has been adjusted beautifully for display.


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Installation Case 4 - Big Retail Shop


LumiSheet is applied for a big shop.


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Installation Case 5 - POP AD Display

LumiSheet has transfromed a lot of beautiful and popular shapes. 


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»ö´Ù¸¥ ¹Ù´ÚÁ¶¸íÀÇ ¸¸³²  Lumi Coordinator (07.28)
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Lumi CoordinatorÀÇ ÃÖ½Å±Û   [ ´Ù¸¥±Û ´õº¸±â ]

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